Yup, the sky must be falling, that is how rare something like this comes along!
Some time ago I was approached by Derek Blass, author of the
International Bestseller, Enemy in Blue, about doing a promo with him and a few
other SELECT authors. And by select I mean bestselling, amazing authors.
I jumped at the chance before Derek realized that compared
to the others, I’m just a baby in this business. So I’m really hoping that he
doesn’t see this post. Look away Derek, look away!
Anyway, enough of my ramblings, these amazing books will be
offered to you, our readers for FREE for two days only, June 4-5
Here’s the link to the site READS4FREE where you can see all
8 books lined up real purty like, or you can check out the individual links as
follows. (And Bloggers, if you have nothing else to post on the next two days,
feel free to copy and paste this one :)
Cassidy Jonesand Vulcan’s Gift by Elise Stokes—A bestselling and riveting young adult
Allegiance by Derek
Blass—When the border war hits, who do you pledge allegiance to? A
gripping thriller!
Red is an Attitude by Kathy Hall—We didn’t forget your romance fix. A stellar romance adventure novel!
Sundered by
Shannon Mayer—The start of the bestselling zombie-ish apocalypse series.
by R.S. Guthrie—A mystery/paranormal masterpiece with great reviews!
A Hint ofMurder
by Lia Fairchild—Who done it? Weave your
way through murder mysteries in this bestseller’s novel.
The NinthDistrict by
Douglas Dorow— Why rob a bank
when you can rob the Federal Reserve? A thrilling police procedural that starts
with a bang!
by R.David MacNeil—Over 100 reviews for this bestselling science fiction novel!

Shannon - Hasn't this been fun? Love the title!
Thanks Kathy! Yup, it's always a great day when authors work together to make something great happen!
This ole farm girl says that's a duck not a chicken in your photo. What would Chicken Little say?
LOL, Christina, that's true, but shhh, don't tell anyone ;p
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