Imagine my surprise when upon checking my spam box, I found this little number waiting for me. After I picked myself up off the floor, my laughter having woken half the neighbourhood, I realized what it meant.
I've finally made it. I am big time. I'm the author everyone wants to be and so they've decided to "off" me. Not only have they decided to get rid of me, they've employed someone from CHINA! (Made in China takes on new meaning for me now)
*Snorts* Okay, now go have yourself a laugh, if nothing else than for the TERRIBLE writing. That alone should make your day! And if you get one of these yourself, you should know, that it is a scam . . . I say this because my mother, upon hearing about this was actually worried for a moment. :)
Hello my name is killer demon am from china i've no other job than to kill to have been betrayed by some one very very close to you.he payed me to kill you.i don't know what you did to him and i don't care to know..but the person wants you dead and right now your life is in my have just 78hours to live after that me and my men shall come for your men are surrounding your house right now watching you and if you do anything stupid you shall re sieve a gun short from us.. but i can help you if you will pay me double of what he payed me.........and i can all so tell you who other d us to kill you..but that will be after you have payed to save your life..your life is in your hands now.
do not tell anybody or show anybody this mail cos your enemy is very close to you
as i'm sending this mail to you now.....remember do not tell anybody if you do the person who want you dead will know i told you...and that means trouble cos he will pay some one to kill you.....
you can contact me on this email( j************* )
KILLER DEMON. (Yes, this is how it was signed, Killer Demon. ROFL!)

Well geeze,
I'm so jealous. The only spammer I ever hear from is The Porn King.
Too funny.
I bet the Porn King and the Demon Killer from China are related. Probably cousins. ;p
That's hilarious! You are definetly in the big time now! LOL!
*Brushes off shoulders* Yup, just you waitm, one day you'll get a Killer Demon after you too! ;p ROFL!
Sure beats getting another 'pen*s enlargement* offer..
Damn it!! I knew I should have gone with the "other" firm as soon as PayPal popped up from the "Demonic Killers 4 Hire" I thought they were Korean sigh and it was suppose to be 68 hour warning!!
Bwa ha ha
Can you send Killer my email?
I would like the honor of receiving one of these.
On second thought...I get enough spam...I just dropped an address I had for 12 years because of that.
Man, all I get is weird indian guys wanting to talk to me, and asking for money. How did you rate a demon? No fair...
That's too funny!
Kriss, it said the person who wanted to kill me was a "he" so you are out. Though I would suggest if you're going to hire a demon killer, get one that can spell.
Mac- I have to say, it was at least better than them suggestion to enlarge things for me that I don't have. Just keep checking your spam box, surely I'm not the only one who got one of these!
JM- I don't know how they rate, but maybe they know I write horror and thought they'd work through my own genre to get me ;p
If we stop hearing from you, I'm going to start worrying.
I'll have to say I've never heard this one before. LOL. You've made the big time now! :)
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